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Customer Profile with PGA Professional Karl Knight

Tell us about yourself, disciplines you coach, how long, successes etc.

Karl Knight, age 47, PGA professional. Currently residing in the UK with my Canadian wife, Amanda. I've played for 42 years, worked in the Golf industry for 25 years, golf coach for 19 years and worked at more than 10 facilities worldwide. All elements of coaching including full swing analysis, short game focus, on course strategy and mind over golf.

Junior golf recruitment has always been at forefront of my success. I have always increased participation at the facilities I have coached at. Seem to be blessed with a natural ability to mentor and enthuse the next generation to get hooked on golf!

Many years' experience coaching here in the UK plus international clients at various facilities in Europe and North America. This has helped me to understand the needs of the golfer on a truly global scale.

How did you hear about OnForm and how did you get started with it?

I was recommended OnForm by the Hudl Technique support staff, so I got in touch with Gear. We had a Zoom call and Gear gave me an excellent tutorial which convinced me to set up a coach account.

Have you used video in your coaching in the past?

Yes, for many years, starting with V1 and then up until recently with Hudl Technique. Video analysis is the single most powerful tool for coaching. It helps me (the coach) break down what cannot be seen with the naked eye and at full speed. I make all my initial judgements based on ball flight so I have a pretty good idea what is happening at impact. However, this is the moment when video analysis becomes invaluable, as not only does it help me to confirm my initial thoughts but it is also a game changer in terms of being able to convey them concisely to the client. The ability to show the client in real granular detail helps them to understand an instruction a little easier, and any changes that you're asking them to make on the technical side.

What are the main features you use in the app?

The main features I will use for golf coaching on the app will definitely be the drawing tools and the voiceover. The ability to freeze frame, use the drawing tools, for example, circle the head position or perhaps to illustrate swing plane. I can then explain and offer feedback to a student through voiceover and coach them remotely. These tools will really enhance my ability to engage with clients from all over the world. Also, the interactive nature of this app will really help me to engage with my students on a more regular basis using the messages tool within the app.

What do your students think about using it?

It always takes a bit of time to get used to a new bit of software, but in general I would say they find it pretty self-explanatory and easy to use!

How is it helping? Is it opening up new ways of generating income for your coaching business?

Due to the pandemic, and the lack of in person coaching, with golf having been shut down here in the UK, I have designed my own golf coaching website OnForm is going to allow me to re-connect with former international clients and to identify new clients from all over the world and teach them remotely. However, once I'm back to more in person coaching it will really enhance my brand as it's the most professional and interactive video analysis tool I have used! If you are interested in a comprehensive golf lesson, ongoing support, with a very experienced, cheerful and positive PGA Golf Professional please look no further. Please visit my website and download OnForm. I cannot wait to hear from you!

Do you have suggestions for others getting started with it?

Do not hesitate to book a zoom call with Gear if you are a coach, as all the features are expertly explained and demonstrated. If you just want a professional, easy to use video analysis platform to enhance your own golf practice, this is definitely the app for you.

Has there been anything surprising you've found while using it?

The ability to use the voice over is the most surprising, yet useful and ground-breaking feature of this app. Overall, the app is extremely easy to use and self-explanatory.

What features do you wish it had?

None that stand out, however, perhaps a folder of PGA tour professional's golf swings for the golf coach to use as a mirror image for comparison?

Do you use it to prescribe workouts in addition to analyzing player's form?

Absolutely! The end game is to offer the player drills and practice routines in order to vastly improve elements of their technique.

Any other comments or suggestions?

With the immediate future of in person coaching looking a little uncertain, OnForm can offer both the coach and student the certainty that golf lessons can continue to thrive.


Thanks Karl for taking the time for this interview. We appreciate that you made the switch and look forward to helping you for years to come!


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